Christina Kwapich

750(w)x600(h), preferred ratio 5:4

Christina Kwapich

Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri

Fall 2008 - Fall 2014

Currently Resides In: Phoenix, Arizona

PhD in PhD Evolution and Ecology, Biological Sciences

NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant

NSF Integrated Training in Biology and Society Fellowship


Current Job/Occupation

Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Lowell


Behavior and ecology of animal societies, ant nest architecture, myrmecophiles, colony-level traits, production ecology, seed harvesting ants


Postdoc, Arizona State University, Social Insect Research Group

Ph D: Ecology and Evolution, (2014), Florida State University

BS: Entomology, (2008), The Ohio State University


Unique Awards/Achievements

In 2017, I was awarded Arizona State University's Fostering Postdoctoral Research in the Life Sciences grant, to identify the function of black yeasts in the nest architecture of velvety tree ants (Liometopum spp).

ASU researcher talks about worker turnover and production in colonies, brutal places that won't ever make a 'best spots to work' list


Experience as A Member of The Fellows Society

It was a pleasure to be invited to the prestigious FSU Fellow's Society, and I enjoyed the brainstorming and lecture series as a member of the FSU community. 

