Christopher McLeod
Hometown: Christchurch, New Zealand
Summer 2012 - Summer 2017
Currently Resides In: Lubbock, Texas
PhD in Sport Management
Legacy Fellowship
Current Job/Occupation
Assistant Professor in the Department of Kinesiology & Sport Management at Texas Tech University. I teach undergraduate and graduate classes in sport management and conduct research on markets, labor, and ecology in sport.
Research interests: Science and technology of sport markets, how they are conceived, created, and maintained Ecological economics and policy to build a steady state sport industry; Non-athlete labor, atypical work, and precarity in sport events; Actor-Network Theory; Object-Oriented Ontology
- McLeod, C. M., Pu, H. & Newman, J. I. (Accepted). Blue skies over Beijing: Olympics,environments, and the People's Republic of China. Sociology of Sport Journal special issue on sport and the environment.
- McLeod, C. M. & Holden, J. T. (In Press). Steady-state economics and stadiums: Using the date of ecological maturity to conceptualize and govern sport facility construction. In B. P. McCullough & T. B. Kellison (Eds.) the Routledge Handbook of Sport and the Environment.
- McLeod, C. M. & Holden, J. T. (2017). Ecological economics and sport stadium public financing. William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review, 41(3), 581-603.