Fellows Society Current Graduate Fellow: Mary Duffy

400(w)x500(h, preferred ratio 4:5

Mary Duffy

Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology

Hometown: Tallahassee

Fall 2017 – present

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship


Educational/Professional Background

I earned my B.A. in Psychology from the University of Saint Joseph (USJ). Prior to beginning graduate school at FSU, I worked as a teaching assistant and research assistant in the Psychology Department at USJ, where I focused on stigma and eating disorders. I also interned and volunteered with the Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness, a non-profit organization with a mission to address eating disorder support, advocacy, education, and treatment.


Research and Teaching Interests, or Professional Field

My current clinical and research interests are in developing understanding of the relationship between connection to and experience of the physical body and adverse mental health outcomes, particularly eating disorders and suicidal and self-injurious behaviors.


Experience as A Graduate Student at FSU

FSU's collegiality and culture of collaboration has been a huge highlight for me. I have been able to connect to others who share my interests, both within and outside my area and department, and that has really enhanced my skills and learning. It seems like no matter where I go at FSU, everyone is open to sharing their ideas and expertise, often without needing prompting or convincing. That supportive culture makes everyone stronger and more well-rounded, and allows the people here to accomplish amazing things.


Experience as A Member of The Fellows Society

The Fellows Society is an amazing, interdisciplinary group of scholars. I've deeply appreciated having the opportunity to connect with and learn from others at FSU who share a passion for learning, in an environment that facilitates the exchange of knowledge and ideas. It's such a warm and supportive atmosphere!


Future Plans/Aspirations

My eventual goal is to be a Clinical Director at a mental health treatment facility where I can pursue both research and clinical work. My ideal is to be in a position to integrate science and practice, keeping a foot in each world and using one to inform the other, in order to enhance care for clients.