Joslyn Armstrong
Hometown: Bartow, FL
Fall 2015 - Spring 2019
Currently Resides In: Portland, OR
PhD in Marriage & Family Therapy
Current Job/Occupation
Dr. Joslyn Armstrong is an Assistant Professor in the marriage, couple, & family therapy program at Lewis & Clark College in Portland Oregon. Also, she is an associate-licensed marriage and family therapist in the state of Florida & Oregon, and an AAMFT-approved supervisor candidate.
Educational/Professional Background
Joslyn received her undergraduate degree from the University of Florida in Family, Youth, & Community Sciences. She went on to complete her master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Texas Tech University. She completed a PhD in Marriage and Family Therapy from Florida State University.
Experience as A Member of The Fellows Society
The Fellows Society gave Joslyn the opportunity to network and collaborate with various students and faculty members across disciplines. She was interested in interdisciplinary work and the program provided the space for Joslyn to nurture these relationships and collaborate with other graduate students on her research program. She greatly enjoyed her time in the fellowship program!
Future Plans/Aspirations
Joslyn plans to continue to teach in a master's level MFT program and travel in her spare time. She plans to continue to provide counseling services to individuals, couples, and families that are low-income and racial-ethnic minorities.
Advice To Share With Current Fellows
Make attempts to collaborate and form relationships with students outside of your doctoral program and within the Fellowship program. It was such a wonderful experience and validating to connect with other students in similar places in their doctoral program.