Upcoming Spring 2022 Series
Wednesday, July 14, 12:00 - 1:30 pm, Summer 2021
Friday, June 25, 12:00 - 1:30 pm, Summer 2021
Tuesday, May 25, 12:00 - 1:30 pm, Summer 2021
Spring 2021 Series
Friday, March 26, 12:00 - 1:30 pm, Spring 2021
Friday, February 26, 12:00 - 1:30 pm, Spring 2021
Tuesday, January 26, 12:00 - 1:30 pm, Spring 2021
Savarra Tadeo, Social Work
Examining Health and Mental Health Disparities between Sexual Minority Youth and Heterosexual Youth in the United States
Megabi Lambore, Public Health
The Impact of Smoking on Lung Cancer in African Americans, Case @ United States
Danielle Krusemark, Social Psychology
Motivations for Collective Action Advocating for a Disadvantaged Group's Rights
Fall 2020 Series
Monday, November 9, 12:00 - 1:30 pm, Fall 2020
Rebecca Curran, Theatre Studies
Bog Bodies and Disrupted Futures: Irish Drama and the Irish Corpse
Wen-Chi Shie, Public Administration and Policy
Anticipation vs. Resilience: The COVID-19 Response Strategies in the U.S., South Korea, and Taiwan
Joshua Scriven, Political Science
Does Foreign Aid Encourage Support for Immigrants?
Friday, October 9, 12:00 - 1:30 pm, Fall 2020
O'Juan Edwards, Higher Education
How Black Feminist Thought Addresses Issues of Health Care and HIV/AIDS Prevention for Black women
Siddhartha Bishnu, Computational Science
Visualization of Geophysical Waves and Tides
Stacy Ashlyn, Mechanical Engineering
Robotic Penguins and Assistive Devices
Wednesday, September 9, 12:00 - 1:30 pm, Fall 2020

Ethan Cissell, Biological Science
The Enemy Within and Without: Lysis, lysogeny, and lacerations in cyanobacterial mats
Vivianne Asturizaga, Ethnomusicology
Freestyling: Musical Labor Practices in La Paz, Bolivia
Carrie Danielson, Musicology
From Syria to Sweden: Making Music with Young Refugees at the Simrishamn Kulturskola
Summer 2020 Series
Wednesday, July 15, 12:00 - 1:30 pm, Summer 2020

Jan-Ruth Mills, History
Why Is This Still A Thing: Nationalist Narratives, the Messerschmitt 262 jet, and Slave Labor in the Third Reich
Beatriz Mejia-Mercado, Oceanography
The Management and Conservation of Our Biodiversity in Marine Protected Areas
Cassandra White, Theatre Studies
A Woman's Worth: Selling Sex and Virtue in Nineteenth Century U.S. Melodrama
Monday, June 15, 12:00 - 1:30 pm, Summer 2020
Dowon Choi, Combined Counseling and School Psychology
Visualized Patterns of US Students’ Phonological Processing: Gender, Region, Ethnicity, and SES
Teresa Simone, School of Theatre
Confederate Pageantry in Natchez, MS
Elizabeth M. Foley, Nutrition and Food Science
Alterations in the Gut Microbiome of Oseopenic Men After 3-Months of Prune Consumption
Friday, May 15, 12:00 - 1:30 pm, Summer 2020

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Cassie Kepple, Higher Education
Studying Student Success: Researching the Ways in Which We Support our Students
James Waters, Religion, Ethics, & Philosophy
Comparative Religious Ethics and Climate Change:
Christian and Indigenous Approaches to Ecological Activism
Nathan B. Spindel, Biological Science
Effects of Nutritional History and Diet on Red Sea Urchin (Mesocentrotus franciscanus) Energetics, Herbivory, and Fatty Acid Composition
Spring 2020 Series
Wednesday, April 15, 12:00 - 1:30 pm, Spring 2020

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Valeria M. Rigobon, Psychology
Adult Bilinguals’ Orthographic Representations: How Does Cognate Knowledge Contribute To Accurate English Word Spelling?
Jamie Fox, Financial Math
Can we do better than random?
Elaina Gonsoroski, Geography
Relating Indoor Heat Exposure to Emergency Medical Calls in New York City
Thursday, February 20, 11:30 - 1 pm, Spring 2020

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Nick Byrd, Philosophy & Psychology
The Psychology of Our Philosophical Beliefs
Joshua M. Matson, Religion
The Whole From a Part, or a Part From the Whole: What Do Dead Sea Scrolls Reveal About the Hebrew Bible Minor Prophets?
McKenna Milici, Musicology
Wrestling with Tradition in American Opera
Monday, February 3, 11:30 - 1 pm, Spring 2020

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Andrew Gardner, American Religious History
The World Religions Paradigm
Aigars Larionovs, Dance (MFA)
Living Choreography: The Role of Presence in Practice and Performance
Olga Romoro Mestas, Spanish
Literature and Resistance in the Caribbean and Philippines in the Late 19th Century
Fall 2019 Series
Tuesday, October 29, 11:30 - 1 pm, Fall 2019

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Yancili Lozano Torres, Urban & Regional Planning
How Are Cities Advancing Gender Equality? A Comprehensive Analysis of Colombia
Danielle Krusemark, Social Psychology
Cultural Appropriation or Appreciation?: Views and Consequences of Borrowing from Another’s Culture
WANG Min, International and Multicultural Education
“The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side”: An Exploration of Rural Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Henan Province, China
Friday, September 13, 11:30 - 1 pm, Fall 2019

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Elizabeth Foley, Nutrition and Food Science
Alterations in the Gut Microbiome of Osteopenic Men After Three Months of Dried Plum Consumption
Luke Arredondo, Religion
Pope Leo XIII and the Development of 20th Century Catholic Theology
Keanan Joyner, Clinical Psychology
Alcohol Demand and Alcohol Problems - Chicken or the Egg?
Summer 2019 Series

AISHA GALLION, Department of Musicology
Theft of Voice, Reclamation of Expression
REBECCA PETERS, Department of Religion
Producing Film, Directing Gender - Women Directors in Bollywood

Work-Family Balance by Black Fathers
Not All Who Ponder Count Costs: The Science of Moral Dilemma Judgments
Spring 2019 Series

- Margaret Vogel
- Cathryn M. Meegan
- Elise LaelKieffer
Fall 2018 Series

Wen-Chi Shie, Public Administration & Policy
Karen Corbett, Molecular Biophysics
Rachel Hoge, Communication Disorders
Summer 2018 Series

Shaleen Miller, Urban & Regional Planning
Liz Lange, Biological Science
Yancili Lozano-Torres, Urban & Regional Planning
Details & Photos

Aliza Denobrega, Biology
Keanan Joyner, Psychology
Dawn Betts-Green, Library & Information Studies